Friday, April 25, 2014

We visited Toronto Reference Library on Wednesday. I took the subway go to there.When I got of train I lost my way,I don`t know which exit I should choose?I asked few person ,but all of them could give the direction.In the end ,A eld woman led me to the right way.How kinds of her!Teacher and some students sat around the table while I reached the library.Then a staff guided us taking elevator to 4 floor which is a centre for E S L students .She introduced  eleven item for us such as reading ,writing ,spelling ,pronuncuation .She said you can take any books you need from the shelf but just read there ,most the books can be took back home.Than we visited literature setion and 3D print room.I like this library bacause there are plenty of books for learning English.Before I went home I had lunch with my classmate ,We joined the Mexican restaurant ,I don't why there taste was so different from before I ate.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

    spring food
Spring  is coming back.The sun is shining again,The weather  is warmer and wetter  little by little! Do you feel tired......I think you may need some  suitable food to support  you physical in this season .What kinds the food are good for spring ?
1) Citrus fruits
Citrus Fruits have the potent ingredient limonene  which can lower risk of skin cancer 34 percent. (study by University of Arizonna)
2)Green tea
  This is my favourite!Green tea  is full of antioxidants  called Polyphenols  or EGCGs. It stopped  gennetic damage in human skin cells  exposed to UV light (study by University of wisconsin)
Carrots and Red Peppers
Carrots and Red Peppers or any other red yellow ,and orange fruits and vegetables  are rich  carotenoids  which  can reduce sunburn..
Leafy greens,like spinach dark green lettuce, kale and Swiss chard, are top sources of the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin which prevent cell growth  by UV light
5) Salmon  fish
THis fish  is a great source of  oills rich in omega 3 fatty acids.In a small British study ,fish oils guarded against sunburn and DNA changes  that can lead to cancer.
Like salmon,walnuts are high inessential fitty acids that could guard againtst sunburn.

Monday, April 14, 2014

I took part in IEP  conference  last Friday. I got there a little late  ,because wanted  to park on  bayview  village ,but they lock the parking lot until the stores open.I met my teacher Joseph in the lobby while I arrived there.  Then, I entered 104AB and participated Healthcare. I used to be a teacher ,I had  tauch 18 years before I came to Canada.I can not find any program about teaching ,My father is a doctor,I have been learning about  healthcare and Chinese medicine from my dad,such as chinese herb ,moxa ,acupuncture. I am very interesting in this field ,so I joined healthcare session.A couple of  professionals gave a short speech,they intruded how can become a professional doctor ,nurse and therapist ,they shared their experiences to the new immigrates.I learned more thing even though my English is too poor! I can not understood  all.It lets me know I must to learn English hard if I want become a professional person.After lunch,I  walked into the hall where displayed many stall ,There are a lot of information about learning work skill and finding a job. I have gotten many information from each stall.This event is good for new comers, even you have been a Canadian!

Friday, April 4, 2014

I went back Canada again.

I  went back Canada again. I will enjoy  learning  English  in  link  school  Community MicroSkill Development Centre.I  still in level 4-5. I  am glad I meet my teacher Joseph and a lot of  former and new classmate.